I know that the holidays are over but I can't resist posting my holiday themed cuppy creation. The inspiration came about whilst I was drinking some delicious coffee with amaretto flavored creamer and a splash of chambord. If you've never tried chambord on your coffee, you have no idea what you're missing! Seriously, it's delicious. (I wouldn't lie to you... not always ;))
I scoured the interwebz to find a chocolate chambord cake recipe. I found one, I read it and had a bad feeling about it but I tried it anyways...it was a FAIL of epic proportions! So I did some major tweaking, the cake tasted better but I had craters instead of cupcakes. What do I mean by craters? The batter spread out and was sunken in the middle hence craters. But HEY it tasted better! I jsut had to adjust the baking soda/powder proportions and baking temperature. Finally, third time is a charm :) and my Chocolate Chambord Cupcakes was a reality! I topped this tasty, moist chocolate-y-chambord-y cake with an Amaretto Chambord Swiss meringue butter cream, a mini candy cane and a sprinkling of Christmas colored sugar crystals for a dash of pretty.
May I present Chocolate Chambord Cupcakes!

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